Friday, May 30, 2008


You may have noticed that it's been quite a while since I have mentioned any weight loss. Well, that's because there hasn't been much more. Before I went to Savannah I had lost a total of 29 pounds. When I returned from Savannah, I had gained 7 pounds of tasty low country cooking. I could hardly believe it. We walked about 5-7 miles a day, and while we were eating not perfect, we weren't being ridiculous either. Since that moment on the scale, I have been beyond struggling to get back on track. I have somehow managed to lose 3 of those pounds, but I'm not sure how because I have been eating like pig. I would say that getting back on track is actually harder than starting the program. I'm trying to remember all of the things that had me motivated back in January, and they are good things, but for some reason they are just not enough to make me put down the ice cream and walk away from the vending machine.

I know that some of you out there reading this are thinking, "Come on. Just show some discipline." If only it were that easy! It's a hideous addiction. Hideous.

So, I am writing to plead for your prayers and encouragement. Maybe I just got to prideful that I could do it on my own and forgot that it was completely God that is giving me the strength.


April E. :) said...

Woah, I know how you is hideously addicting...but you will find the drive. I pray it will happen for you soon. Don't be discouraged, but again encouraged by how far you have already come!!!

Anonymous said...

Girl! I am with you 100%. I have struggled with my weight since as long as I can remember. I used to feel so defeated..all of the time. If I fell off the band wagon...I had a hard time getting back on. Thankfully, the Lord is slowly teaching me what it means to "eat to live" as opposed to "living to eat". Food is good-God made it that way...but because satan is a freakin' LIAR...we have so easily turned our delicous gift from God into a horrible addiction that feeds that in us the spirit should control but isn't (because we won't let him!!). You can't do it...but...BUT God can do it THROUGH you. Let me say that again... GOD CAN DO IT THROUGH YOU! My prayers are with you. Keep me updated on the progress!